Agustus Caesar
Bust from Greek Warrior Riace
Welcome... the world's finest collection of affordable statuary anywhere!
Our casts are made by craftsmen trained to cast statuary in old world methods that insure that each cast remains faithful to the original. Be assured that we are not a traditional casting shop; we make all our casts in our NYC shop under the supervision of 4 generations of casters. We dont mass produce art. We produce each cast with the care and attention to detail that a piece of fine art requires.
Each casting is available in 5 finishes:
Unfinished Plaster Verde Antico (Brown Bronze patina with green highlights) Bronze Classico (Classic brown bronze patina) Marmo Bianco (White antique finish) Terra Cotta
Each casting is also cast with the appropriate reinforcement to insure durability and strength.
Should you require a special patina or have a special request, please do not hesitate to call us. Our toll-free number is 888-374-8664.